5 reasons why you should hike with loved-ones

By Carrie Williams

I’m excited to write this blog, I’m literally grinning as I type. I just finished reviewing a lot of footage from a trip with two incredible and hilarious women I consider my sisters. 

I always need my dose of nature therapy and I usually will pick up and go at any moment, but I wanted to be intentional about this particular hike and share the experience with others. Afterall, the goal of Scenic Affairs is to get others to experience and explore the outdoors and what better way to do that then to invite others along for the adventure. I recently visited Cloudland Canyon in Rising Fawn, Georgia and man did I enjoy myself. Here’s why you should invite people to voyage with you.

Bonding experience

It can be tough to stay connected all the time. Being in nature has a freedom and openness that’s contagious. We laughed, shared stories, talked about nothing and everything all at once. Aligning schedules with loved-ones can be difficult especially if you don’t live in close proximity, but hiking provides a great low-cost solution for catching up, being active and cleansing whatever’s on the mind. It’s something about the view of a thousand leaves from afar or the gushing droplets of a waterfall that creates instant intimacy and gratitude toward one another and the preciousness of life. I encourage you to deepen your bonds with others through the invitation of exploration. 

Navigation buddies

“I think it’s this way,” says everyone ever.  It’s always good to have back up when you’re hiking because someone else may remember something you don’t. Or they may be good at following maps and directions in general. Hiking with others places the sole burden of accountability off of you, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be aware of your surroundings, but we’re all human and we forget things. It can be easy to lose your place on a trail and I’d rather be lost with others than by myself. You can also assign duties on the trail, —take a picture of the site map, remember landmarks, bring snacks, etc. 


I’m a huge proponent of “safety first.” Rather if it’s due to people, critters, animals, allergies or landscaping, there’s always a possibility of getting hurt while hiking. Again, having back up to support you is extremely helpful. I’ve rolled my ankle a few times on solo hikes and in those moments I wished I had someone to help me back to civilization. Often, there are a myriad of unmarked off-course pathways that are tempting to discover and having others around can provide a much needed voice of reason. Plus, safety in numbers can help deter danger and can provide a level of comfort and security (and of course fun:).


While a lot of public local hiking trails are free-99, there are some that require travel and permits. If you’re backpacking or camping with your friends it’s cost effective to split prices, gear, food and resources. For road trips, you can split car costs like, gas, rental, equipment, etc. You can also share equipment, food or simply designate one another to contribute something towards the hike. Save your coins.

Personal Photographers 

I know my friends were probably sick of me asking to take my picture, but they did so without question because they’re great (thanks y’all). We captured each other knowingly and unknowingly. And I find that the unknown is always more real and beautiful. We not only got some superb shots, we relished in our own company, creating memories in mind and in the physical. 

Beauty awaiting 

Views, waterfalls, rocks, mountains — everything you can dream of, wrapped in one beautiful nature-infused experience. It took about two hours from the city of Atlanta to get to Rising Fawn, GA which I was partially familiar with since it’s near where I went hang gliding. Upon arrival, there was simple signage that directed us to the waterfalls and nature trails. I’m writing a more indepth outlook of the experience in a later blog so stay tuned. 

Moral of the story 

Go hiking with your loved-ones and create new memories. I want to thank Disa and Lauren for an amazing time filled with genuineness, fun and relaxation. Follow Disa on IG @_monadisa for creative inspiration, food endeavors, eccentric lifestyling and more. Follow Lauren’s blog for active adventures, study tips, baking and all around awesome artistry. 

Do a girls or guys trip OR mix it up, either way, get out there and explore. I can’t wait to hear about your experience. 

Trailfully yours, 


Note: Since COVID-19, I’ve been trying to be careful about where I go and who I’m around, so it’s tough at times to share experiences with others but that shouldn’t stop you from venturing, please be careful and use wisdom and check your state websites. Stay safe scenic family.

4 Replies to “5 reasons why you should hike with loved-ones”

  1. Carrie!!! I’m so honored to be featured on this post — however, spending time with you guys was the most rewarding. Thank you for inviting into your haven called Nature. I admit, I was super nervous about what I was getting myself into, lol, but the pics don’t do justice about how much fun I truly had. This trip was much needed. I can’t wait until our next adventure! Love you, sis!

    1. Absolutely! It was an amazing time and I’m glad to have shared it with you!!

  2. Omg Carrie, you have no idea how much you inspire me to get out and go hiking!!! The splendor of the beauty right in our own back yard of Georgia, is breathtaking. I can’t wait to begin my hiking journey and yes, I’ll be inviting a friend…

    1. I’m so happy this is helpful for you!! Yes, Georgia has so many gems, I’m super excited for you to get started! 🙂

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