Best Way to Start & End Your Day: Sunsets & Sunrise Benefits

By Carrie Williams

I know I’ve taken for granted the blessings of waking up every morning and getting through the day every night. Between work, family, friends, personal obligations and social life, I’m always on the move doing something or tending to someone. To help slow down the “busyness” in my life, I started curving out time during two parts of the day: sunrise & sunset. These moments helped me to be more productive, gain energy, deepen my relationship with God, and the list goes on. It’s simple but it’s a major beneficial asset in my mental and spiritual health.

Health benefits

Being in nature and green spaces boosts the immune system, fights depression and anxiety, reduces stress and reduces cognitive burnout (our brain needs a break too). Our bodies have circadian rhythms and a circadian clock which are internally driven cycles that rise and fall during the 24-hour day, these rhythms contribute to your falling asleep and awakeness. 

No need for coffee, according to Dr. Molly Maloof, when the sun rises the blue light that’s outside in the early morning gives you a natural energy boost. Blue light turns off melatonin production and turns on alertness. 

“Your digestive organs are regulated by the hypothalamus through light and the timing of food intake,” says Dr. Maloof. “In fact, science tells us that early-a.m. light exposure is correlated with lower BMI.”

If you have to watch it from your window or car, no worries, but try to make time to go outdoors and experience the sunrise and sunset. Your mind, body and spirit will thank you later. 

Source: CDC | 

Well and Good |


Everyone wants to be more productive and maximize their day. There are podcasts, books, instagrams, tv shows, conferences and so on — all dedicated to this topic. Before you dive into one of these external resources, get connected with your internal source first. By experiencing a sunset and/or sunrise, your body’s circadian clock for the day shifts, priming you for maximum efficiency—particularly when it comes to metabolism. Your energy levels are heightened which can produce natural endorphins for focusness and success for the rest of your day and helps with achieving a healthy well-rested night of sleep. 

When you set a time to rise early and go to bed your digestion system goes into work by properly breaking down the foods you eat during the day. Earlier mornings can contribute to eating earlier breakfast, lunch and dinner. And proper digestion assists in efficiently converting the food we eat into energy. This can knock out that sluggish weak feeling you may get right before bed and in the morning, making you more productive.


Peace, clarity & gratitude

I just feel an abundance of peace, clarity and gratitude when I sit still and experience a sunrise or sunset, like seriously, how can you not? My mind is constantly racing, when I first awaken my frontal lobe is going into overdrive with what I need to do today, insecurities, what if’s, regrets… all of the above. But forcing yourself to focus on the pureness of the sunrise momentarily eliminates those self-imposed thoughts and peace emerges. Then follows gratitude. Gratitude is a specific and intentional practice where you find purpose and compassion for tangible and intangible entities. This includes your surroundings, and in this case, allow the different settings of the sun to pour out gratitudes you may often miss. It’s something about that break between light and darkness that makes for the best time for prayer, reflection and completely vulnerability. 

Beautiful scenery 

This earth we live on. I’m always amazed and humble by the natural colors, lights and vibrations pulsing all around. God, really showed out. But seriously, the best views are in the sky daust in erry blended hues, and hazy dawnings. Depending on the time, region, atmosphere, season and weather the settings of the sun can vary and that’s what makes it feel magical and intoxicating. It’s always breathtaking and so worth the scheduling.

Let the sun capture you 

Take time to watch nature change right in front of you. I promise you won’t regret it. My alarms (yes plural alarms) go off around 5:00am every morning (but I likely snooze until 5:30 lol). I get up and start my morning prayer and worship, day plan,  workout, walk my dog then start the workday– all because the sunrise evoke momentum and productivity. If you’re not a morning person that’s ok, you can check the weather app for the daily sunset time. In the evening, I try to plan out the next day, talk to God some more, walk my dog and reflect on the day i’ve had while watching the sun fall.  Try it, write about it and let me know what you think. 

To sunrise & sunsets, 
